Teaching with Technology: How it helps and how it is used?

Teaching with Technology

Teaching with Technology: How it helps and how it is used?

Teaching with technology will help students learn more profoundly by encouraging them in achieving their educational goals.

Research has shown that activity-based learning, as opposed to lecture-based learning, improves student creativity and learning by encouraging students to use technology to create their own unique ideas.

Technology & Education

Advancements in the methods and tools we use to solve issues or accomplish a goal are referred to as “technology.”

Technology introduces classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and high-tech tablets. It can encompass a variety of tools from low-tech pencil, paper, and board, to the use of presentation software and online collaboration tools.

How is technology used in teaching?

  1. Presentation Software
    Allows instructors to embed high-resolution images, diagrams, animations, and sound files to reinforce the text and verbal lecture material. For example; PowerPoint.
  2. Course Management Tools
    Enable instructors to coordinate all the resources students need for a class, provide effective assessment tools, and provide conversation and document sharing spaces.
  3. Tablets
    Can be connected to computers and projectors, allowing students and instructors to collaborate using text, drawings, and diagrams.
  4. Online Collaboration Tools
    Allow students and instructors to work on documents online, edit them in real-time, and display them on a screen. This provides students with a shared platform for brainstorming ideas and documenting their work with text and images.

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